Over time, many fashion trends have come and gone. The lifespan of a fashion trend can sometimes be a few years, but it is common for trends to come and go on a semi regular basis. In some rare cases, though, fashion trends become popular and remain that way without dissipating. Camouflage clothing is one such trend that has remained consistently popular ever since its rise. To find selections of camouflage clothing and accessories such as womens camo bathing suits, camo baby bedding, camo formal wear, and camo purses, people can search an online camo retail store.
Animals, hunters, soldiers, and military vehicles all use camouflage to either blend in with their environment or make them resemble something else. Arctic foxes and hares use camouflage as their coats change from dark in the summer to white in the winter. Personal concealment in battle became essential after weapons such as the rifle began replacing less accurate weapons such as muskets. Camouflage in the form of a rifle green jacket was first adopted by two units of the British army during the Napoleonic War. During World War I, the military camouflage that is commonly known today was developed by the French. Those who want to wear the well known and consistently popular pattern can find items like womens camo bathing suits, camo baby bedding, camo formal wear, and camo purses all available from online retailers. See this link for more.