Blogging is, by far, one of the best hobbies you can have. Not only do bloggers get to vent, relieve stress, and flex your underused creative muscles, but you also become a better communicator, and improve a much in-demand skill. Whether you’re blogging feature articles about subcultures, or online news about your local community, it doesn’t matter. You can experience these benefits by blogging about anything.
However, the fear of failure holds many back. What’s the point if nobody will read it, right? The fact of the matter is, everybody has to start somewhere, and no matter how experienced you are, there’s always more to learn. So, whether you’re just starting out, or you’ve been blogging for year, here’s some short, writerly advice on how to start blogging better content!
K.I.S.S. — Keep It Simple, Stupid.
This is some of the best writing advice I’ve ever received. Sure, it can be tempting to get really flowery with your language, or create some kind of strange, off-beat, larger than life style, but you should always get right to the point. This means choosing the right words, rather than piling on descriptors. It means using active language, and not the passive voice. Essentially, the simpler, the clearer. The clearer, the better.
Try Blogging List Articles.
Blogging lists is huge right now, because it’s a format that allows the writer to get in depth, while keeping it skimmable. The Internet is short attention span theater. Readers want to know what your main points are, and if intrigued enough, they’ll go on. The best way to write a list is to bullet your points, and make the headings your topic statements.
Write For the Sake of Brevity.
You need to keep your writing tight. As previously mentioned, blogging caters to a crowd who have micro-attention spans. Keeping your writing clean, tight and without verbiage will dramatically improve its quality.
These are only a few things that can improve the quality of your writing. If you have any questions about these blogging tips, feel free to ask in the comments.