When you get your ISO 9000 certification, you can be certain that you will know how to deal with problems like E. coli which has an incubation period that can be as little as one day or as many as ten. In addition to your ISO 9000 certification, you could also look into ISO 14000 standards in order to properly deal with environmental management standards and help your business to not negatively affect the environment around it. You can couple this with HACCP training to go even further toward making your business safe.
Aside from your ISO 9000 certification, if you achieved your Iso 14001 certification, you would be joining over 223,000 companies in over 150 countries that did the same. You might even continue taking these standards a step further by getting RC 14001 training. Once you have your ISO 9000 certification and all sorts of other training in different areas, you will know how to deal with threats like Salmonella which Dr. Daniel E. Salmon discovered over a hundred years ago to be causing food related illness in people. By meeting all ISO certification requirements, you will be going a long way toward helping your business prosper.
A food safety certification is a nice compliment to an Iso 9000 certification because it helps to regulate food manufacturers that deal with processing perishable animal and plant products. You certainly do not want your establishment to be harboring all sorts of problems that could potentially harm people, especially when you deal with food. The consequences of not taking the necessary precautions could be disastrous. If you want to preserve your business, you will do whatever it takes to make sure that you are harboring a safe and sanitary environment.
By ensuring that your business is truly safe, you will be teaching your employees to uphold these standards. Furthermore, the word will get out amongst your customers who will in turn be more liable to shop with you because they feel that you care about their safety and wellbeing. The snowball effect of keeping a clean and safe establishment will be quite positive.
In the end, your business will serve more people and carry itself further by being safe. In doing so, you will have the chance to be a positive influence among your employees and the community. More importantly, your outputs will be something that you can stand behind wholeheartedly.