Beauty pageants have become an American tradition. Since P.T. Barnum held the first pageant in the US in 1854, the tradition has grown to include a quarter of a million contestants in an array of different pageants across the country each year. Pageants grew a lot in the 1950s when they began to commonly be used to promote county fairs and locally produced goods. Pageant winners are often called “beauty queens”, but physical beauty is only part of a pageant. Talent and pageant interviews are also critical parts of the judging process.
Pageant coaches are specialists in the interview portion of the pageant. Pageant interview questions allow your personality to shine and to impress judges, but without pageant interview coaching, they can be easy to stumble over. Poor performance during this part of the judging process does actually have a serious impact on your ability to place. Because this is one of the trickier parts of the pageant, professional pageant coaching has become a valuable service for young women who want to perform well and place in beauty pageants. Interviewing properly is also an essential life skill that will become more and more important as your life and career advance and you seek better and better employment.