Keeping your building safe from fire should be one of a manager’s primary concerns. In their YouTube video entitled “ Fire Alarm Inspections: Alarm Panels and Inspections,” the CCPIA (Certified Commercial Property Inspectors Association) information is provided about the types of fire detection devices found in commercial buildings. The narrator also reminds us of the importance of fire alarm inspections.
David Lowery, the Chief Fire Marshall in Boulder, Colorado, narrates the video.
He points out the fire alarm panel, which coordinates the information it receives when there is a fire in the home. He also showed us the fire indicators in the building: manual fire alarms, smoke alarms, and heat alarms.
If there’s a fire in the building, and an indicator is signaled, the alarm panel will transmit the alarm to the fire department. Although maintenance managers may check these devices, the law requires these devices need inspections at least annually. A certified fire inspector must perform these inspections.
Take responsibility for your building’s fire safety seriously. Use the knowledge from this video to ensure your fire system is operational. Educate your staff about the safety devices in the building. Most importantly, ensure your devices are inspected at least annually.