Many people may not realize it, but the kind of motor oil in a car actually makes a difference. Not all motor oil manufacturers are the same, and as such, the best motor oil for your car may not be the same as the best motor oil for someone else’s car.
Motor oil performs many functions, including helping an engine start easily, lubricating engine parts, reducing friction, protecting against rust and corrosion, keeping engine parts clean, minimizing combustion chamber deposits, cooling engine parts, and a variety of other functions as well. As such, it truly is important that you change your motor oil often and make sure you have the best kind possible.
If you find yourself asking “what is the best oil change for my car?” you would be best suited to talk to a professional. Professionals can tell you about the recommended motor oil for your car, and even suggest the best motor oil to fit your particular make, model and engine. The best oil change for my car may be different than the best oil change for your car, so it is important to listen to the experts.
Interestingly, the motor oil from one average oil change has the potential to ruin a million gallons of freshwater. On that note, vehicles around the world produced roughly 3.7 billion gallons of used motor oil in 2009. As such, it is important that if you do your oil change yourself, you dispose of the motor oil correctly. That is why many people choose not to do their oil changes by themselves, and instead rely on professionals. Before the invention of the modern plastic motor oil bottle, motor oil typically came in glass bottles, metal cans, or metal and cardboard cans. The modern motor oil bottles allow for easier disposal of motor oil, which helps the environment.