An oft-quoted phrase about the prevalence of the Internet in modern business is, “If you don’t have a website, you don’t exist.” That’s not just pithy and hip; it’s true. You can even go so far as to update it to include being an active presence on social media programs, too. Now that both Facebook and Twitter have gone public, it’s more essential than ever before to get involved with social media.
But why? How can employing social media programs actually make a lasting impact in the larger picture for small businesses? Here are five answers to that very question.
They humanize your brand.
Take blogging, for example. As a business, you are a singular force that can communicate through the work you perform. But businesses that blog are afforded a unique chance to control the tonality of the message they deliver, as well as the message itself. Push this communication a step further into social media, and you have complete control over what the world at large perceived your brand to be. Be funny, be lighthearted and — most importantly — be human.
They’re good for SEO.
The more content you create, the easier it is for users to find you in searches. The best part about social media programs is how they allow you to have fun while you create this content. Companies that blog have 434 percent more indexed pages in Google than those that don’t, and since more pages means more chances to get discovered, social media plays a huge role in increasing your relevance in these searches.
They provide a faster ROI.
Most social media programs are free to set up (including the biggest ones, Facebook and Twitter) and require only small costs for add-ons and additional apps. As a business, you can even choose to resell social media programs from wholesalers in addition to get a little more money. Being a social media reseller means you have a separate agency run the social media accounts of your clients, then resell those services to the clients at a profit.
They increase your visibility.
Recent statistics show that the average age of users on both Facebook and Twitter is nearly 40. That means social media programs aren’t just for the young anymore. Of course, utilizing these platforms does make you appear in touch with young culture (especially when it comes to blogging), but it also makes you visible in the eyes of users of all other ages, too. Often, your potential clients are older, so meet them halfway via social media.
They makes you memorable.
In short, engaging content equals memorable content. If you post a lighthearted or funny tweet to your followers, it can go viral in a matter of minutes, substantially increasing your presence throughout the web. You’re likely to be remember when you engage with your audience, answer their questions and validate their opinions, and that means starting with the content itself. Make it useful, memorable information, not just empty advertising.
Modern users are smart and can see through shallow ad gimmicks and attempts. when you use and outsource social media programs, you can reach the widest audience possible. Use them wisely! To learn more, read this: hubshout.com