Did you know that, on average, military families move once every three years? That is a lot of moving, and there are many steps involved each time. Here are three tips for making your military move easier on everyone.
1. Figuring Out Where to Move
You might be there for as little as a year, or as long as five years. Either way, you want to familiarize yourself with the local area before picking a home. Considering that 60% of military children are school aged, proper schooling will probably be a part of your consideration. Look for a school that has good ratings, and isn’t located too far away from your home. Being located near a good school can also make your home easier to resell or rent. If places like churches or parks are important to you, do some research on the area and aim to have a convenient distance.
2. Finding a Moving Company
Finding a moving company for some people is the most stressful aspect of planning, but it doesn’t have to be. One option that military families often find helpful is pods storage. Pods for rent can be shipped at any time, unlike moving vans which you need to time pretty closely to when you yourself will be there at the house. Moving pods can come in a variety of sizes and can be stored weeks or months at a time until your arrival. Another tip for finding affordable movers? Moving mid month or mid week will often save you money, if you can be flexible about your timing.
3. Know What the Military Offers You
When you are making a military move, there are rules that will apply to you that you might not have experienced as a civilian. If you want your parent, for example, to accompany you overseas, you need to be able to prove their dependency, often with something like a doctor’s note. They will also need to be able to pass the suitability screen. When you report to your permanent duty station, you’ll have the option of staying in temporary family billeting, that usually costs about $16 a night per family. During this time you will receive your housing allowance, and for ten days after your arrival you will also receive a temporary lodging license that can reimburse for up to $180 in expenses per day.
Have you moved recently? Let us know your tips!
good points. I agree you should know the details of what youre getting into, and not expect someone to explain it at the last second. especially because paperwork can be quite the hassle