In the state of Florida, there are around 30,000 people who are living below the poverty level today and that includes many veterans. One out of every five people living in this state is receiving Social security, with the average yearly benefit amount for 2010 being $13,384. That works out to be $1,152 a month to live on if all you are getting is Social Security. Now, people who are disabled can also get Social Security Disability benefits too if they qualify.
However, it is much harder to get SSI or SDI since as little as only 35 percent of all applicants are approved for social security disability benefits each year. People usually need to hire a Social Security disability attorney. There are also veterans lawyers that can help veterans get their VA benefits. Social Security attorneys can file an appeal for you if you are one of the 85 percent of first time SSI or SSD applicants that have even had your first appeal denied by the SSA. Veterans lawyers are also available to file appeals if you are a veteran and who has been denied disability benefits or any other VA benefits after applying for the first time too. If you don’t know about veterans lawyers a good Social Security disability lawyer in your town may be able to help you. Of course, you can go online and find local Social security lawyers quite easily now. The VA website will also point you in the right direction when searching for veterans lawyers.
The main thing that veterans lawyers do is help veterans with VA claims. Filing a claim with the Veterans Administration can be confusing for some vets. Veterans lawyers are there to help. Disabled vets will certainly want to obtain the services of the most experienced veterans lawyers that are available. Veterans lawyers are quite proficient in helping disabled vets obtain all of the benefits they need, including disability benefits. Before choosing a representative it is best to talk to multiple veterans lawyers in order to find someone you fee comfortable with. You will want to locate the most confident veterans lawyers you can find. Finding veterans lawyers that are easy to get in touch with is also important.