Most doors still operate on a simple lock-and-key pattern or use an automatic door operator, which is good. However, advancing to an HES electric strike could be better. This is because an HES electric strike tends to be more reliable with advanced security features, making it a popular option. So, to get started, these are a few basics you must follow to make the installation process less stressful:
1. Assess Your Door
Remember, installing an HES electric strike is relatively simple and easy. However, before you dive headfirst into the installation, first assess your door. Make sure it is compatible with a HES electric strike and meets the qualifications. Otherwise, a simple and easy process can prove to be an uphill task.
2. Gather the Right Tools
You need tools like a screwdriver, measuring tape, and a drill. You also may find wire cutters useful. This way, you will be able to take accurate measurements and make precise drills through the door and the mold on the wall.
3. Install the Strike
In most cases, following a manual guide provided by the manufacturer can simplify your installation experience. As such, ensure you follow the guide provided by your strike’s manufacturer to avoid making mistakes during the installation process.
4. Wiring
Wiring when poorly done can pose a major risk to people using the lock. For instance, you risk being shocked when handling the lock. Therefore, ensure you connect the wires properly as per the manufacturer’s guide. This way, you’ll achieve polarity and insulation for the lock.
If you are looking forward to getting your feet wet with modern electric access controls, installing an HES electric strike can be your starting point. This is because they guarantee reliability and convenience, unlike the traditional lock-and-key doors. So, to have a smooth installation process, ensure you follow the tips above.