You’ve read about pastors at burials and seen them on TV. How much do you really know about burials from a pastor’s point of view? Get the facts from the How To Pastor YouTube channel.
Good pastors arrive early for a graveside burial service in order to find out where everything is and where the mourners will be. It’s important for the pastor to see if the cemetery is laid out in a way conducive for communicating with not only a crowd, but one-on-one with each mourner.
If possible, gather mourners together instead of letting some stay isolated in their grief. Being with others can help a person’s depression.
Pastors try to meet with the deceased’s family and friends to set expectations on what should be said and done during the service. Some families want to put their own special twist on the service, such as signing the casket before it is lowered.
Services are kept as short as possible without being disrespectful. Mourners have already been through a great ordeal and a long funeral service. Often, the weather is not cooperative, so it is not polite to keep mourners out in cold or wet weather, or standing around when they are clearly exhausted.