Have you attempted to earn a degree in the field of philosophy in the past, but had limited (or no) success? If so, don’t be discouraged! Traditional academic environments are not for everyone, and, in case you didn’t know, there are alternatives.
Maybe dorm life was not a good match for you. Or, maybe the social pressures and temptations of attending a traditional college thwarted your attempts to earn the degree that you need to move forward with your career as a philosopher or teacher of philosophy. If this sounds familiar to you, worry not; you can attend school from home or your favorite cafe (with internet access, of course) and earn yourself an online degree in philosophy.
Before you matriculate at an online university and start working toward an online degree in philosophy, you should make sure that you research your options. There are tons of schools that offer an online degree in philosophy that you can earn. The trick is to pick the right one.
You can get the help of an online academic advisor to help you choose the right school at which to earn your online degree in philosophy. After all, it’s their job to help people pick the right schools, and they probably have some great advice that can lead you towards making the right choice. Also consider talking to other people that you know who have earned an online degree in philosophy, such as members of your friends or family. They might have a great tip that helps you pick the perfect school to earn your online degree in philosophy.