Have you ever looked over your options for room additions? You may have already considered what you can do in your home to increase the value or quality of life that it has, but there are many things that room additions may be able to do as well. The term “addition” may be a bit misleading if you have not actually spoken with a contractor about your options; what an addition may qualify as may come down to changing something in your home to create additional space, effectively altering an existing room to either create a new room with barriers, or to extend part of that room for another structure. Room additions may even remove a wall in the room to create an entirely new space, so to speak.
The first category of room additions is what you may expect; additional rooms or wings to a home, such as a back porch that is covered, a new floor, or a room added to the side of the home. These additions can sometimes be the most expensive, but they will have a direct effect on the cost of the home as well. The more rooms and square footage that exist within the home, the higher the value will be. Additionally, you can also choose to target this room as part of your other remodeling plans. Room additions can help you to put another bathroom on a second or third floor, or you can choose to have you additional room as an extra bedroom. Whichever you decide, you should find that the room additions within your budget can add the same value as what you invested into them back onto the resale price of the house, if not more so depending on your local housing market.
The second type of room additions is the utilization of an existing room. This can mean remodeling your basement so that it will be more of a living space than a storage area, or it can mean removing a wall between the kitchen and dining room areas so that both rooms effectively gain more space by merging. A sun room is another type amongst room additions that utilizes existing room, although it is also a combination with the idea of adding another structure. These can all be great ways to work with a smaller budget, while adding more comfort to your home.