Hispanic food is amazingly delicious, and a welcome treat for any foodie. Recetas fáciles, or easy recipes, are abound throughout any cookbook. These include such foods as flan, tamales and enchiladas. Many of these recetas fáciles take little time, but a few do require more attention.
One such food that takes a little while to make are tamales. A tamale is a traditional Mesoamerican dish that includes a corn-based dough and a filling, much like enchiladas, that’s steamed or boiled in a leaf wrapper. These have been eaten in the United States since at least 1893, when they were featured at the World’s Columbian Exposition, and are often cooked in large batches in a special kind of steamed called a tamalera. However, you don’t need one to necessarly make these recetas fáciles, although you will need more time.
For your convenience, here is one particular recipe out of the many recetas fáciles to satisfy any esotmago hambriento!
Enchilada is the part participle of “enchilar,” which means “add chili pepper to,” and explains why enchiladas are corn tortillas rolled around a filling and covered with a delicious chili pepper sauce. In order to make enchiladas, all you need are about 12 corn tortillas, a can of red enchilada sauce, two cups of cheese, one and a half cups of meat (usually beef or chicken) and about two to three tablespoons of oil.
Coat the tortillas in the oil, and bake them at about 500 degrees for seven minutes. Layer a baking dish’s bottom with some sauce. Fill the tortillas, once they’re out of the oven, with some spoonfuls of meat and cheese. Fold them, and place the folded end down in the pan. Once done with all the tortillas, cover them in sauce and leftover cheese. Finally, bake the pan at about 400 degrees for about 15 minutes.
If you have any questions about how to make tamales or other recetas fáciles, feel free to ask in the comments!