Are you considering veneers or dental implants as part of your plan to improve your smile? You will probably need to forget about your odontophobia or fear of the dentist. And yes, this is an actual phobia classified in the Diagnostical and Statistical Manuel of Mental Disorders, or the DSM IV. You may also be looking for affordable cosmetic dentistry services that will not break your budget.
Veneers are thin shells of acyclic that are applied to your existing teeth, after about one millimeter of your tooth enamel is removed. These veneers can last between five and 10 years, after which time they will need to be replaced.
Discount dental implants are more permanent and are used as replacements for the roots of missing teeth. These implants are usually made of titanium. Now you should understand that discount dental implants have a success rate of about 98 percent. Additionally these full dental implants can last your entire life with the proper care.
The procedure of getting discount dental implant is relatively easy. Little holes are drilled into your jaw and then the implants are situated into those holes. Your jaw will then heal around those posts, after which artificial teeth will be placed onto those screws. This type of discount dental implants is a permanent solution and is an alternative to dentures because they do not need to be replaced or adjusted.
Discount dental implants can include full implants or all on 4 dental implants. Your individual situation will dictate what type of discount dental implants will be best for you. You may even combine these implants with the veneers for a complete mouth make over.
You should consult a cosmetic dentist to discus discount dental implants, veneers or other options available to you. He or she will give you an exam and then will discuss such things as the dental implant price, the surgery procedures, and the time it will take you to recover.
Discount dental implants or other cosmetic dental procedures can give you a whole new smile, but you do need to make that call.
Find more on this here.
I did not know that these implants could last so long!