With all the types of jeans available today, it is hard to believe their history. Bling jeans, studded jeans, and yes, your favorite best slim straight jeans, have common ancestors that date back to the late 1800s. That is when Jacob Davis and Levi Strauss put the first patent on a pair of denim pants with rivets. Today, except for some remote areas of South Asia, people all over the world wear jeans.
So before someone designed those best slim straight jeans you love, who sported the comfortable denim trousers? Cowboys, farmers and other blue collar workers, thats who. People that worked out doors, got dirty, and were tough on their clothes found blue jeans a perfect fit. From out the Western states came the predecessors of the colored jeans or metallic jeans that hang in your closet.
The US government helped boost the profile of jeans. In 1901, the Navy found that denim was the ideal material for bell bottom pants. Unlike the best slim straight jeans so coveted today, the sailors wore a wide legged style they could roll up when washing ship decks. Early in the 1950s, blue jeans started to make their way into the wardrobes of average Americans and later symbolized the 1960s counterculture.
Now, womens designer jeans are a gigantic mult million business. One reason is the high price they bring. Retailers routinely mark up jeans a lucrative 54 percent . Manufacturers are constantly reinventing this fashion icon too. Embroidered jeans and embellished jeans are sold side by side with the best slim straight jeans for every day wear.
Go ahead then. Step out of your comfort zone and express yourself. Pick up a pair of wild and crazy jeans instead of the best slim straight jeans you usually buy. Thanks to Levi Strauss and others, you have so much from which to choose.