Over the past decade many people were told that when they took out a credit card or a loan, they needed to purchase payment protection insurance along with it. These policies were sold under the guise that if a person could not make a payment, that payment would be covered. Many of these policies were sold to people for whom they were very inappropriate or unnecessary. Today those people can file a mis sold PPI claim, and attempt to get their money back.
A mis sold PPI claim can be filed by anyone that has taken out a loan or credit card over the past ten years and was sold payment protection insurance along with it. Those that choose to file for a mis sold PPI claim may find out that they are actually entitled to receive back hundreds, or even thousands. With their money back in their hands, they can spend on things that they may have had to put off while making their payments on those policies.
With a mis sold PPI claim, people can help send a message that this kind of predatory practice will not be tolerated anymore. Many of the companies that sold these policies made it seem as if a client would not qualify for a loan without the insurance. By filing for a mis sold PPI claim, people can help make sure that no one is victimized in the future the same way again.
A mis sold PPI claim can be started no matter how far along into their payments one may be. People that started paying off a loan or credit card within the past year or so can easily begin the process. Even those that have since finished their payments can still begin filing a mis sold Ppi claim.
Anyone that was sold one of these policies over the last ten years may find out that they are eligible to have a lot of money returned to them. By filing a mis sold PPI claim, people can have their money that they never should have had to spend returned back where it belongs.