If you are having difficulty obtaining the severance pay you were promised in the Garden State, there are several different severance pay lawyers NJ has to offer that can fight to get you what you deserve. To begin, you should first gather together any and all written and other evidence related to your case, and then make sure that your narrative fits the aforementioned facts in evidence.
Once you have done this, ask yourself if you can afford to pay the retainer fees for any severance pay lawyers NJ has to offer up front, or if you need to find attorneys in this vein that are willing to work on a contingency basis. This latter situation is quite common, so finding severance pay lawyers nj has to offer that will work on contingency should not be a major issue.
At this point, once you have determined both your financial situation and gathered evidence together for your case, search the web for past client reviews of any severance pay lawyers NJ has to offer. Read through as many of these testimonials as you can, and then list the most promising prospects available once you have concluded this part of your research. Go ahead and make sure that the state bar association lists each of these prospective severance pay lawyers NJ has to offer as members of the association in good standing, and eliminate any such attorneys with red flags in their background.
From there, contact each of the remaining severance pay lawyers NJ has to offer on your list for more information on their rates, availability, et cetera. Once you have all of this information in mind, go ahead and retain the services of the best severance pay lawyers NJ has to offer that you can afford, and communicate clearly with them in the beginning for best results!